Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fear, Music, Stillness

Life: Fear. You would not think such a thing would be motivational, but in reality it is. Fear is what motivates us to stay where we are, to live in a little box, to play it safe. But what would happen if we were truly fearless? To be free to move beyond ourselves, our circle of friends, our boxes we call lives and just live. Live without fear, live without regret, live without worry. Live with a passion that set the world on fire, live with a love that is more refreshing than a drink of cold water, live with a purpose that could bring an entire nation to its feet. We could do all of these and more if we could just live without fear...

Music: Words, Notes. Thoughts, Feelings. Pure Emotion, Simple Expression. With a little creativity brings us something so complex and yet so simple that we can only use one word to describe it: Music...

Random Thoughts: To be quiet only requires the absence of noise, but stillness requires so much more. You not only have to find quiet on the outside but you must also find silence on the inside. To come to a place where you don't fidget and fret. A place where you don't worry and your mind ceases to wander. Where you stop striving and just be. The quiet peace and calm to get you through the day...